Monday, February 20, 2017

Dedicated to Edwin Phillips - Alan's Italy Show # 138 - Driving in Italy: The Agony and the Ecstasy

This show is dedicated to my dear, sweet, wonderful friend Edwin Phillips who died last Wednesday, February 15, 2017 at the age of 73. He and I had planned to do this show together since he had two very disturbing driving experiences in Italy that he was going to talk about on the show live. I actually am fortunate to have the video clip from a previous show (# 40) which will serve that purpose instead.

That show will trace the anxiety disorder that I developed from many horrific driving experiences in Italy going back to my first trip of that type in 2003 through my final experience in 2014. I will talk about the many advantages of driving in Italy focusing on what happened to me during the several times I attempted to drive, but my chronic anxiety that I have lived with for my whole life intervened to make the experience miserable. I will sit in my favorite chair doing the narrative and show precious few photos if I am unable to find visual material to help illustrate. I will begin to take notes this afternoon; however, I am still grieving over the loss of Ed and that may be difficult.

I can only say that I would recommend grabbing life with both hands and shake as much out of it as you can while you can, because you do not know what lurks around the next corner.

I love you Ed and I am sorry I didn't give you as much time as I would have liked; I was just too busy and now it is too late.

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