Friday, November 16, 2012

Near disaster, an apology, & stunning creativity

At about 1 PM today as I began preparing for my show for 4 hrs hence, I suddenly realized that my cables were missing. Without them my show is non existent !! I was stunned and couldn't figure out where they were. At first I thought someone had stolen them, then realized that last Friday night with all the excitement of Ric being there, things being exchanged (books etc), and all the conversation and distraction that ensued, I must have left the cables in the studio. I panicked, called Ellen and dragged her out of her house to take me to the studio and see if we could find them. Eventually we did find them on the console, where she and I had left them 7 days earlier. We were very lucky. I wasn't even sure where and how I came by them over a year ago, when the show started. I came home, relaxed a while, grabbed something to eat, and then headed back to the studio to do the show, another disaster averted. I was angry with myself for being so careless with equipment that are absolutely essential and critical to my being able to do the TV show. How could I be so careless I kept telling myself, pointing a finger at myself for being so distracted whenever Ellen and I have a guest speaker to interview. Tonight I really concentrated, and have hopefully learned a lesson. I like my solo shows, when it's only Ellen and I quietly going about our business.

I started the show with an apology to Ric Hirst for constantly spelling his name incorrectly, Herst instead of Hirst. I indicated a lack of concentration, more evidence of my having way too much on my mind lately. I also spoke about the legend of the bull's testicles in the Milan Galleria; watch the show, Then Franc Palaia did the show I had been looking forward to for a long time, his Illuminated Photo Sculpture. His genius as an artist blows me away; he is so incredibly creative and imaginative it is amazing. The show was very smooth and I just watched about half of it. Franc is amazing and we will do Part 2 in a few weeks. We also spoke about two future shows for the winter and spring.

I also during the show revealed my still a bit unfinished website to my viewing audience. Although about 90 % finished, I just couldn't wait to show the link. I was notified by my publisher that my second book should get here in about 2 weeks. Cannot wait for that.

Buona notte.

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