Sunday, September 7, 2014

Divine Life on Lake Como

Broadcast # 99 focused on my interview with Simone Deghi at a lovely table overlooking Lake Como. Simone is a wonderful, energetic, and enterprising young man whose ambition for his enterprises appears to be endless. His charming responses were very heart-felt and sincere, but sometimes it is difficult to hear him. This was entirely my fault as, although I knew to project my voice and having been a teacher for 43 years and a broadcaster and lecturer for 2 1/2, it comes naturally by now, Simone could have used a microphone. The noises of the boats on the lake, and around the restaurant prevented him from sometimes being heard that well. Nonetheless, if you listen carefully, his warmth and sincerity come through very well. His restaurant is wonderful, and keeps getting better all the time. Bar il Molo is a delightful place to dine and enjoy the amazing scenery on the lake. The tour of his various facilities worked better as his voice was easier to hear. I think the fabulous time we have any time we dine here comes through very well. My next project for myself is to get a clip on mic for interviews.

The follow-up to this show was supposed to have been perhaps a visit by Simone and his publicist to the US to do a show live talking about his newest project, a gallery with five parts each representing a craft unique to the lake and Varenna. Unfortunately we cannot continue with that project due to an intense and comprehensive renovation of the Woodstock Public Access Studio which will commence within the month. Not only can we not plan special projects such as his visit, but even my regular bi-weekly show may be in jeopardy. Certainly I am told to be flexible for the next several months, as I may nor not be able to broadcast for a while, and even then in the modified location of a trailer which will be parked just outside the existing space. The new studio will be larger and better, I have been told. The trials and tribulations of public access television.

Meanwhile I am still planning the special anniversary show # 100 which will have several segments. First Laura promises that she will create a new series of photos for the introductory montage. The songs will remain, however. Second I will talk about the best part of my Italian adventure, my dear friends who have graced my life with their love and devotion starting with Lidia and Luca, and continuing with Franco. I also speak a bit about Susan Chalkley. Then I show a graphic which shows a list of my five favorite experiences in Italy since I began Alan's Italy in 2011, showing some photos and talking about why that experience was so meaningful to me. The culmination will be our most recent adventure, that special boat ride and dinner with Simone and his partner, Silvia, at Sala Comacina, a place reached only by water taxi on the western shore of the western fork of Lake Como. Much better know than Sala Comacina is the tiny island, Isola Comacina which is recommended by Rick Steves as a daytime side- trip from anywhere on the lake. Then we will move ahead as best we can with the next hundred episodes.

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