Continuing to barrel ahead with shows, I completed the latest about the wonderful Tuscan city of Siena. It came out virtually the way I described it in my previous blog post, but with Laura's assistance made even better than I imagined it would. She reminded me that we had a video she did with my talking about Siena only minutes after we arrived at the hotel focusing on our expectations and reasons for coming. Then I do a 5 minute segment from my now famous black leather living chair that has become a part of the show. Then then the 12 minute video interview of Francesco who works at the hotel. Then I do a ten minute segment on the history of Siena with photos in a kind of slide show appearing to the audience. Laura just made some fine tuning of that segment today. I follow that by another interview with a shop owner in Siena on a street near where our hotel was, and then I wrap it all up with another segment talking about the next show on Volterra (thereby inaugurating a series of shows on Tuscany that I will work on next).
I would instantly upload it to Youtube except that I do not want to croud up my Youtube Channel with yet another production. The Civita show, # 124 has gone over 100 views and the next show 125 on the Trattoria Antica Forno is approaching 50 after only one week!!! Between the two that is a lot of action on the site. I don't want to go with another new show until the action on these shows has died down a bit. I don't know when that will be, but regardless I will probably upload in a few days. I put an ad in the Woodstock Times telling people that the void they may feel based on my absence from the public access station can be easily filled on Youtube where they have complete access to 125 shows, old and new, instantly whenever they feel like seeing the show. That ad will run for another week. It is possible that ad has caused some forward movement. I suspect that putting the ad also in the Saugerties Times would have the same result. I am running at over 1,000 views a month on the channel and quickly am approaching 38,000 lifetime views, a much faster pace than I predicted but a few months ago.
Meanwhile I sent a DVD in vain to the WPAT station only to learn that there is a problem because the DVD opens with a menu instead of going right to the video. Panda TV in Tivoli assures me if I send it to them, there shouldn't be a problem. I cannot find the solution that PAT wants. Meanwhile Woodstock Public Access Television has been taken over by a group who call themselves the WPAT Board of Producers. My friend, prime mover of Alan's Italy, and master technician of the studio has quit as the Board was castigating him for some kind of abuses which sounded fishy to me knowing him as I do. They wrote an open letter in the Woodstock Times lambasting him and "demanding" that he appear before the Board to "answer charges." LOL Then they were sad he left his role as studio technician, an unpaid volunteer albatross he had hanging around his neck. I told Ellen at the studio that you do not humiliate someone in front of the community and then expect him to keep doing this herculean job for no pay and appear, no less, in front of the Board!!! I wrote a "rebuttal" open letter lauding his merits and thanking him for changing my life. No exaggeration there!!!! I am sort of glad to have gotten out of there.
Look for the Siena video in a few days.
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