I always say that only personal illness or computer meltdown will stop Alan's Italy from being broadcast on Woodstock Public Access Television, and actually bring the whole project to a close. I should be happy to report that illness was not the reason for the sudden, but complete shutdown of the entire project did occur due to my computer's malfunction. The screen was going to black or blue for no reason causing me to bring the computer to the Apple Store in Albany where they swiftly sent it out to a location somewhere in the United States to be fixed. After several days, they apparently lost track of the computer, and offered me a new computer, which had to be restored to the old hard drive. To make a very long and difficult story short, I am now back in business, although I am not quite ready to say that we are 100 % complete. There are still several issues left unresolved, two of which, at least, will be addressed by my private computer tech person who will come to my house tomorrow to solve those problems. One problem is that the mechanism I use to download the show on DVD to my computer, a program called Handbrake, needs to be reinstalled. Also I need to come to grips with the fact that I have items stored on my computer which I hardly use. Those will hopefully be banished to a new external hard drive that Apple gave me for free to provide sufficient room on my new computer (the new computer has a hard drive capacity of 500 gigs instead of the old computer which had 750 gigs for storage).
Anyway for 2 harrowing weeks I was faced with the prospect of losing my Alan's Italy Project, and simply not having a computer. Needless to say we have all become so accustomed to using computers, that such a prospect was horrible indeed. Luckily I had my IPhone 5 to use as a replacement computer, but at my age a 4 inch screen hardly compares with my 15 incher !!!!! Bottom line: we are back on the air this coming Friday evening at 5 PM with Show # 73: Neighborhoods of Venice.
Also in the Alan's Italy news is that I will be returning to my adjunct lecturer position at the Borough of Manhattan Community College (BMCC) next Thursday, August 29 where I will be teaching two of my favorite mathematics courses. After a three year hiatus and realizing how much I missed teaching math, I am back on the horse. I will try very hard to maintain my Alan's Italy Project of doing weekly shows, providing rebroadcasts during the following week on the WPAT Carousel, writing my weekly blog, but I will be cutting back on my syndication to many areas of the Hudson Valley. I will try to continue with a couple, but whoever is watching in some other areas will lose the show. I just cannot do everything !!! Also planning our next Italian vacation and will talk more about that later.
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